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Golden days 

We are all so caught with our own career, and we are so caught up with whatever we have till our ego beats our passion and our desire beats our passions. and we will never realize that we are until we admit that to ourselves that “yes i am the most egoist person in earth” without admitting it to yourself, you would never know that your the worst version of yourself. I was so caught up with being good , being perfect in someone’s else eyes, being perfect to someone who closed the chapter of the story. And did you know what i realize? I've realized that the things that i was so focused on only a subject. A subject that dragged me down on doing the things that i really want. It was a very  tough process, knowing that someone who you hope so much actually left the book unfinished and let you conclude an ending without them when they were the main character. 


every since that i focused on what was real, and to take mind off i took the train wherever i go just to see where it leads me. It doesn't matter where it leads me, because the best things that happen in life are always unplanned. i see things so much clearly, i see things in a bigger view, i see people that i never thought i would. I've made connection with a person i thought i would never made, and it was all worth it and i am happy that all this happened. 

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