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WHY CATS? I love all types of animals, i would prefer cats over dogs. why?. I've cared for dogs and cats, i actually cared for both at once, and they have been good friends and they cared for each other, taking care of the both of them was the best days of my life, just coming back to school to the both of them was my cure when i lost my dad. After my dad passed on we lost our light in our house, somehow the house look extra big and i know that my mum felt her bed extra huge. So i persuade my mum in getting a dog and we named her princess. and a few months later we got  a cat name tiger. And i felt that the light was coming back, actually seeing my mum getting up just to feed the pets and actually smile in the morning, asking us to wake up from bed. And from that moment i know there was something was store back into the house and it was happiness. Back to point why cats?, maybe some people would say cats are snobbish and rude, but no, they are compassionate too, you could cry to your cat and she or he probably listen you and start licking giving you all the love it give. Thats what my cat did after loosing my dad i loose my own partner and at that point i don't know what is sane anymore, i cried all say talking to my cat thinking that he would understand,but yes he did, he stared to lick me and when around my face and slept beside me for the entire night. 

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