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Loosing yourself? we all have those days where we loose control over the things that we have, some people loose it frequently, and some people barely show them out. But we’re all human and we are entitle to feel whatever we feel and its normal too loose yourself once in a while, but i know somebody felt they have loose everything after loosing someone over ego, death , greed and etc, that emotion that you feel is extra harder and painful in the same time. When you start healing, you'll realize things that you never knew happened. It can be anything for example knowing that your partner cheated emotionally, knowing that things weren't always you think it was. Then you feel yourself as a completely fool and it drags you right at the place where you loose yourself all over again sitting down right where you were then start thinking did you actually let someone get away with it again?  asking yourself was all worth it? Was is all a game for someone? you giving it all yet someone couldn't see it. At this point you'll go around and around asking people why? or maybe who am i honestly. why me? what have i done until i deserve all this ? Running in your own riot with a lost mind. 


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