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Colour Study 

In this assignment we are asked to study the colours from labels. or any packaging that we desire. in this part i picked really hard packaging to extract the colours, though i try to make sure the colour lines completely straight, but i guess my hands aren't that steady . 

After extracting all 6 labels colours, we will have to create patterns or any design desire base on colours that have been extracted . These design can be abstract or ay style of art that we want.

Group Color Study

In this assignment we are divided into 4 groups. each group has 5-6 members . our members consists of 

1) Jun Wei 

2) Farzana 

3) Yu Jing 

4) Harley 

5) Nafiz 

6) Felicia 

We each have to propose at least 5 sketches idea for our conventional color wheel. colours scheme that will be used are only colours form the colour wheel which is ( Red ,  Green, Yellow , Blue, Violet and Orange)

this are my sketches of  form myself, my favourite idea towards this was the first sketches which is a role of colors. i feel that the idea is really practical and it is not a very complicated idea, through i believe if a team work together in a team, this particiluar idea can be finish within a few days. 


in this part of the assignment, i learn that working in team is very important and communication between each other really helps on getting a product good . though there were hard times yet this group was one of best teams I've ever got.

in this part of the assignment, we are told to dye paper towels using only a scheme of colours that we've choose. the colours that I've chose are Violet, virbant Pink ,Orange and white. Tie up a few sections of colours and dip them in the water colours. i love this assignments because its really cool just watching the colours spread and react towards one another. 

Our Final idea is an idea of hanging cds and coloured yarns around it. the idea of the back of the cd was to create a reflected light if its hit with sunlight. we have read through many-many article and made some investigation about it and it seems positive if ads are hit from any source of light it will reject the colour of the rainbow, which is perfect for the

color scheme  that we've chosen

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