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Art Movement Mindmap

Abstract Art 

Abstarct art


 An art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and textures. it could be also a form by an imaginery world form the artist itself.

independence towards this art seems to be one of the key and its and art that is represented by one and only itslef

 Diffrent media are use in todays era of abstract art. it seems to be a more famous by using diffrentt types of texture rather than just the feel of paint.


in this section we were told to pick a selfie of ourselves and made 5 diffrent types of sketches base on the art movement that we choose earlier. as mine is abstract i tend to imagine organic and non- organic shapes on my face creating a feel on abstarct on my face , and also to enhance the structure of my face using an abstract way.

Coloring Skhme 

in this section we were told tolearn diffrent types of color skheme base on the a theme that we've choosen. in this peices i've incoperated emotions , art inpiration and also diffrent types of art element but still keepping the abstartct art theory in it which is ecpression and emotion of an artist. after doing 5 drafts of coloring skhme, we were told to choose 1 in 

Selfie Inpirations.

Final Painting 

Over Come .


In this assignment, I've learn that abstract art is more than just what we see. Its more how someone truly feels inside, with colours and elements, anyone can create something that they truly feel. Its proven That abstract has evolve in so many ways, from the strict art learning to messy art that can caught someone's attention with just one glare. i also personally feel that i tend to get ideas spontaneously, its just really cool and amazing how our mind really works. 

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