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In this part we are told to design a paper bag in any way we would desire, i wanted to design something that would fit in a boutique that includes accessories .  for this part, i also found that keeping it right is very important because once a wrong line is done then it would change the appearance of the design and the paper bag. 

packaging now in the era is getting more and more creative and sometimes complicated. this is because its aim is to attract customers or people to come again or be satisfy with their chosen item.

packaging can be in any form that fits best, base on items that are selling to an audience. 

Plastic Packaging 

This Assignment, we are told to designs a plastic bag using any materials, as long as it stays on the plastic. it was extra Challenging for me, this is because the black sharpie ink wasn't staying , so i figured , if i use fixative just like we did for fundemental black and white drawing, it will stay . so i tired and true enough it lasted better :)

Paper Bag 

this Part of the assignment, i was desired to design a paper bag that was aimed more  to boutiques and accessories. so i drew an abstract style of figure behind the paper bag, and in front a dangle of an illusion of many necklaces are wraped around it. 


in this part of the assignment , i honestly enjoy it. i think its because its because i was designing a packaging that was actually coming to life.

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